
About Me

Where am I?

Currently living in Narooma with my wife and three children.

What do I do?

I work in the Tourism and IT industries. We (my wife and I) are the onsite managers of some holiday apartments on the South Coast of NSW. I also run my own small IT consultancy business where I work with local (and sometimes not so local) small businesses and organisations to streamline their use of technology.

I have always had a passion for Open Source software and open communication to aid in business development which is where working with small businesses can really benefit their bottom line. I just really enjoy tinkering with technology!

When it comes to sport I enjoy off road motorcycle riding (enduro style), touch football, squash and of late a little surf boat rowing :-)

You can follow me on Twitter at mmanningau on Google Plus +MichaelManning or see a few videos of my fun on YouTube